Syllabus: CAP 4601 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Fall 2023
This class aims to introduce the essential concepts of artificial intelligence and the design of intelligent agents. It provides an in-depth exploration of fundamental problem-solving techniques and knowledge representation frameworks within the field of AI. Students will become familiar with the AI programming language LISP, as well as techniques like state-space analysis, problem reduction, heuristic and brute-force search methods, planning strategies, two-player game theory, and recent advancements in game AI. In the realm of knowledge representation and reasoning, the course focuses both propositional and first-order logic, along with their respective inference algorithms. Lastly, students will be exposed to probabilistic approaches in AI, including Bayesian Networks, Causal Inference, and Machine Learning algorithms.
This course requires knowledge of basic computer science, algorithms and complexity, and programming principles.
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Author: Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, Publisher: Pearson, Edition: 4th, Year Published: 2021, Copyright Year: 2021.
Programming Language:
Time: Monday and Wednesday 4:50PM - 6:05PM
Location: HCB 0216
Instructor: Ang Li (Email: angli at cs dot fsu dot edu)
The instructor’s office hour is Wednesday 2:00PM-4:00PM at 160 Love Building.
Teaching Assistant: Chutian Jiang (Email:
The TA’s office hour is: Monday 10:00AM-12:00PM and Wednesday 10:00AM-11:00AM at 170 Love Building.
Teaching Assistant: Vivek Vardhan Reddy Yannam (Email:
The TA’s office hour is: Friday 9:45AM-11:15PM at 170 Love Building.
Course Website:
Grading Policy:
Grades will be computed based on the following factors:
Homework 30%
Midterm 30%
Final 40%
Letter Grades:
Tentative Schedule:
There will be 10 homework assignments during the semester as we cover the corresponding material. Homework consists of both problem solving and LISP programming.
Unless otherwise indicated, you may talk to other students about the homework problems but each student must hand in their own answers and write their own code in the programming part. You also must indicate on each homework with whom you collaborated and cite any other sources you use including Internet websites. Students should never see another student’s solution before submitting their own. Students cannot use old solution sets for this class or solution manual to the textbook under any circumstances.Homework assignments will be submitted through Canvas.
Please submit your homework on time. Homework is worth full credit before the due date. It is worth zero credit after the due date.
There will be one midterm and then final. The exam is open book and note, and mostly multiple choice questions. You are not allowed to discuss with other people.
Extra Credit:
There will be extra credit questions on midterm and final.
Academic Integrity Policy:
All students are expected to uphold the Academic Honor Code published in The Florida State University Bulletin and the Student Handbook. The Academic Honor System of The Florida State University is based on the premise that each student has the responsibility (1) to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in the student's own work, (2) to refuse to tolerate violations of academic integrity in the university community, and (3) to foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the part of the university community.
web site for a complete explanation of the Academic Honor Code.
First Day Attendance Policy: Official university policy is that any student not attending the first class meeting will be automatically dropped from the class.